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easy health commitments for overall wellness

Easy Health Commitments

By Integrative Medicine, Lifestyle

It’s February…how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along?  Are you still on track, or did all the wheels fall off right around the Superbowl?  Let’s face it, we all need some “tough love” when it comes to our health commitments.  There is no magic bullet, the easy way out…

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top 10 family health articles of 2022

Top 10 Family Health Articles of 2022

By ADD/ADHD, Anxiety & Depression, Autism, Brain Health, Cold and Flu, Essential Oils, Homeopathy, Integrative Medicine, Mental Health, Oriental Medicine, Parenting, Salt Room

If you missed any of our most popular articles, get yourself a nice mug of tea or hot cocoa and enjoy catching up.  We hope the information we provide empowers you to help your family facilitate and celebrate the blessing of good health. 1. ADD/ADHD: A Chinese Medicine Perspective 2….

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Top 12 Family Health Articles of 2021

Top 12 Family Health Articles of 2021

By ADD/ADHD, Anxiety & Depression, Autism, Brain Health, Cold and Flu, Essential Oils, Healthy Eating, Homeopathy, Integrative Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Parenting, Salt Room

If you missed any of our most popular articles, get yourself a nice mug of tea or hot cocoa and enjoy catching up.  We hope the information we provide empowers you to help your family facilitate and celebrate the blessing of good health. 1. ADD/ADHD: A Chinese Medicine Perspective 2….

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juice plus nutrition essentials

Juice Plus+ Nutrition Helper

By Nutrition

Juice Plus+ helps you bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat, every day, with added nutrition from a wide variety of plant-based ingredients. It is the most thoroughly studied supplement on the planet, with over 40 peer-reviewed scientific studies published in prestigious journals. Twenty-one…

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healthy food tips for 2020

Dr. C’s Healthy Food Habits

By Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Happy New Year!  2020 is well underway.  Can you say the same for your New Year’s resolutions?  If so, good for you!  Unfortunately, the statistics are not on your side.  Most people give up on their resolutions by January 12.  If that’s you, don’t feel bad.  This does not mean…

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Toxins have negative effects on health

Are Toxins Making You Sick?

By Healthy Eating, Healthy Environment

You hear a lot about toxins these days.  The word is almost overused.  What are toxins?  Why are they so dangerous?  Should you really be that concerned? 95% of cancers are caused by diet and environment. This startling statistic from Columbia University School of Public Health can be found in…

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holiday balance tips

Balance for the Holidays

By Food for Thought, Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Food for Thought… When you think about it, there are two main “imbalances” during the holidays.  The imbalance of stretching yourself too thin (both time and budget-wise) and overindulgence when it comes to food, especially sugary ones. Tips for Overcoming Time Imbalances Too often, the giving of gifts is out…

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healthy food choices

Surprising Food Rules

By Nutrition

Do you often wonder how to make the healthiest food choices? Sometimes, the list of “what NOT to eat” seems a bit daunting. Hormones, GMOs, refined foods, additives . . . the list goes on and on! Here are some quick basics: Eat Whatever You Want If You . ….

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