While you may know that gut health is central to good digestion, you may not have known that the gut affects nearly EVERY system in the body and plays a significant role in how they all function. You may have even heard that your gut is responsible for immune health…
According to the National Eczema Association, over 30 million Americans are afflicted with eczema, or atopic dermatitis. It is an allergic inflammation of the skin, often beginning in infancy and appearing after a baby stops breastfeeding. The affected skin has raised, red eruptions that form scaling crusts with itching as…
Discover natural allergy and asthma support therapies during our next in-office event! You may know about the connection between asthma and allergies, as allergies often cause asthma attacks. But did you know the great influence gut health has over respiratory health? Join Dr. C and Debi Wills, ARNP as they…
Everyone has their own personal microbiome. It is a collection of micro-organisms — bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa — that inhabit your body and outnumber your human cells by 10 to 1. You may be familiar with the advice to consume probiotics in order to colonize your intestines with “good bacteria”…
What is the gut-brain connection and how is that related to ADHD? Good question, and we’re glad you asked! Dr. Cannizzaro covered this in his book, Answers for the 4A Epidemic. He stated that autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies can be traced to common causes. “In short, these patients suffer…
Did you know that food allergies could be responsible for your child’s bedwetting, ADD or chronic ear infections? You may find this strange, since last time you checked, the intestines were located nowhere near the ears. You might think food allergies would cause gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, gas or…