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ADHD Anxiety and Natural Treatment

EVENT: ADHD, Anxiety and Natural Treatment

By ADD/ADHD, Brain Health, Event Recording, Events, Integrative Medicine, Oriental Medicine

ADHD, anxiety, and other neurologic disorders are on the rise in our kids today.  The causes are multi-factorial, but there are also many effective, natural treatment options available to your child from Functional-Integrative and Oriental medicine. Join Dr. Cannizzaro and Dwight Franklin, AP to learn about the underlying causes of…

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overcoming learning disabilities

Overcoming Learning Disabilities for Success

By Learning

Learning disabilities should not define your child.  Many children who have learning disabilities  are actually gifted in other ways.  The story goes that Einstein didn’t speak until he was four years old.  Thomas Edison was bad at math.  These famous (and successful) icons probably just had different learning styles.  Through…

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food allergies

Food Allergies: The Hidden Culprit?

By Allergies, Gut Health

Did you know that food allergies could be responsible for your child’s bedwetting, ADD or chronic ear infections?  You may find this strange, since last time you checked, the intestines were located nowhere near the ears.  You might think food allergies would cause gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, gas or…

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healthy food choices

Surprising Food Rules

By Nutrition

Do you often wonder how to make the healthiest food choices? Sometimes, the list of “what NOT to eat” seems a bit daunting. Hormones, GMOs, refined foods, additives . . . the list goes on and on! Here are some quick basics: Eat Whatever You Want If You . ….

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nutrition tips

Nutrition Tips

By Nutrition

Our holistic health providers offer nutrition tips for foods that are good for your body’s systems, and delicious, too!  What you eat has an enormous impact on your health!  Eating a natural diet gives your body the building blocks it needs (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc.) to keep up all its…

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nutrition tips

Dr. Cannizzaro’s Nutrition Tips

By Nutrition

We all know it’s important for our nutrition to eat healthy meals and snacks because 1) it grows strong kids and 2) it teaches our kids how to eat when they cook on their own (not soon enough, right?!) Dr. Cannizzaro imparted many words of wisdom over the years regarding…

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natural kids allergy medicine and allergy treatment

Allergy Treatment Has Never Been Easier on Your Kids!

By Allergies

If your child suffers from any kind of food or environmental allergy, you know that its effects can range from miserable to life threatening. We have seen allergies become more and more common in our children–even occurring as early as birth! Allergies are an inflammatory condition where your child’s immune…

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