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parenting tips from the five elements

Parenting Tips from the Five Elements

By Family Dynamics, Parenting

A unique source of parenting tips can be found from an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system called “The Five Elements.”  Recognizing the personality types derived from this ancient system can help parents create a smoother, more fun family dynamic. Chinese Medicine practitioners refer to five primal forces or archetypes…

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CBD Overview

Your CBD Questions Answered

By Integrative Medicine

You may have heard about CBD whether for oral or topical use.  It’s one of Mother Nature’s medicines and may help alleviate symptoms of certain conditions.  So, we thought we’d give you a brief overview of what it is, how it works and what it’s typically used for. What is…

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women's health tips

Dr. Northrup’s Top 10 Health Tips for Women

By Women's Health

In this interview, popular holistic physician Dr. Christiane Northrup shares her top 10 tips for women’s health: Get enough sleep: Proper sleep is essential for optimal health, and it helps metabolize stress hormones better than any other known entity. Meditate for at least 3-12 minutes each day, to calm and…

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unplugged family time

Family Time: Unplugged!

By Family Dynamics, Parenting

Endorsing “unplugged” family time may seem like a no-brainer.  Of course, we all spend too much time in front of a screen of some sort.  But how bad is it for us…really?  And what can we do about it?  We decided to ask our brain trust of experts to delve…

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essential oils for everyday home use

Essential Oils for Every Day

By Essential Oils, Healthy Environment

Essential oils have been used for centuries in a variety of ways.  They’re known and used for their physical healing qualities, their therapeutic effects on the emotions and their literal cleansing abilities!  Considering all aspects of life, essential oils can be used safely and effectively. “I believe that for every…

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healthy food tips for 2020

Dr. C’s Healthy Food Habits

By Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Happy New Year!  2020 is well underway.  Can you say the same for your New Year’s resolutions?  If so, good for you!  Unfortunately, the statistics are not on your side.  Most people give up on their resolutions by January 12.  If that’s you, don’t feel bad.  This does not mean…

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Proven child discipline techniques lead to confident parenting.

Confident & Empowered Parenting

By Family Dynamics, Parenting

Parenting is the toughest job in the world. Not only do your decisions as a parent affect your kids in the moment, they reverberate throughout their lives. If you’ve done a good job, your kids grow up healthy with good habits—and most importantly, stay happy! Which is all we really…

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Toxins have negative effects on health

Are Toxins Making You Sick?

By Healthy Eating, Healthy Environment

You hear a lot about toxins these days.  The word is almost overused.  What are toxins?  Why are they so dangerous?  Should you really be that concerned? 95% of cancers are caused by diet and environment. This startling statistic from Columbia University School of Public Health can be found in…

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Back to school homeopathy for common concerns

Back-to-School Boo-Boo Homeopathy

By Homeopathy

Even if you’re familiar with homeopathy, you may not have realized that for certain conditions, it is actually the best treatment option! Here at CIPC, we know that going “back to school” also brings kids “back to the pediatrician!”  Almost immediately after the first bell rings, we begin seeing kids…

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Top Tips for Great Skin

By Common Concerns, Lifestyle

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so it only makes sense that it reflects your overall health, for the world to see! Beauty really is only skin deep but feeling good about yourself also lights you up from the inside, contributing to a vibrant outward appearance. Choose…

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homeopathic first aid kit workshop

EVENT: Homeopathic First Aid Kit Workshop

By Event Recording, Events, Homeopathy

If you’ve always wanted to put together a homeopathic first aid kit to relieve common childhood boo-boos, empower yourself with simple healing tips for beginners! Finally, Debi Wills, pediatric nurse practitioner, presents an informative workshop where you will discover helpful homeopathic first aid kit items and other specific homeopathic remedies…

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Salt therapy helps manage environmental allergies naturally.

Managing Environmental Allergies Naturally

By 4A Kids, Allergies, Salt Room

Managing environmental allergies naturally is a specialty of our office.  An allergy is an exaggerated response of the immune system to specific substances that normally pose no threat to the human body.  These substances, or allergens, elevate specific antibodies and can cause sneezing, coughing and itching. Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)…

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Parents need help understanding psychoeducational evaluations

Psychoeducational Evaluation: 3 Tips for Parents

By ADD/ADHD, Learning

When a child struggles in school, teachers and pediatricians may recommend a psychoeducational evaluation.  This testing process measures a child’s academic achievement levels, cognitive skills and information processing abilities.  It can also uncover behavioral and emotional issues and learning disabilities.  The testing aims to find the source of the child’s…

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