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Back-to-School Boo-Boo Homeopathy

By September 8, 2019June 11th, 2020Homeopathy
Back to school homeopathy for common concerns

Even if you’re familiar with homeopathy, you may not have realized that for certain conditions, it is actually the best treatment option!

Here at CIPC, we know that going “back to school” also brings kids “back to the pediatrician!”  Almost immediately after the first bell rings, we begin seeing kids with sniffles, coughs, stomach aches and playground injuries.

Homeopathic remedies help with many back-to-school boo-boos.  For instance, there are many rashes that go around; some can easily be treated at home.  Likewise, most injuries such as twisted ankles, falls, scrapes and cuts can be treated at home with an oral or topical homeopathic remedy.

Our goal in this article is to share information that educates you on conditions that may respond to a homeopathic solution, thus avoiding an office visit—or needlessly taking your child out of school.  Many of these conditions can be treated at home if you know what to do.  Which is usually to call us first with symptoms, so we can give you the first steps and save you a trip!  This is why we haven’t included the specific remedies to use; because homeopathy is highly personalized, we’d need a few details in order to give you full instructions.

If you’re not familiar with homeopathic remedies, read our previous article about what they are and how they work.

Top 10 Conditions Most Effectively Treated with Homeopathy

Many conventional treatment options not only involve chemicals but can also take longer to work and cause more discomfort.  Homeopathy is the best choice for many back-to-school boo-boos.  Here are 10 examples that we see all the time.

Molluscum contagiosum:

A viral skin infection that results in round, firm, painless bumps.  It’s a common childhood skin disease, but they’re pretty icky-looking, and parents tend to freak out when they see them!  Conventional dermatologic treatment is painful, traumatic and can require heavy chemicals.  When we typed “What is the fastest way to get rid of molluscum contagiosum?” into our favorite internet search engine, the options it presented included scalpels, freezing, scraping and applying chemicals.  Using these treatment options, it can take up to a year or more for the condition to go away.  Needless to say, these aren’t thrilling solutions and they can be terrifying to a child.  But guess what?  The homeopathic remedy route uses sublingual pellets and takes only 30 to 90 days to clear the condition.

Common warts and plantar warts:

Warts can be tough to eradicate.  Over-the-counter wart removers require you to paint on chemical preparations and make multiple applications; plus, they don’t work very well.  Dermatologists can “freeze” common warts off with a procedure called cryosurgery, which is a liquid nitrogen spray.  However, plantar warts grow up into the foot.  They are often painful and must be cut out—ouch!  To remove warts, we use the same homeopathic remedy as we do for molluscum contagiosum, but employ a different process, which includes Epsom salt soaks and other techniques.


Extended-release antihistamines are the conventional treatment for allergy symptoms like postnasal drip and scratchy, sore throat.  We use a homeopathic remedy made from sea salt which puts a stop to postnasal drip, thereby clearing the cough, sneezing, sore throat and runny nose—with one remedy!  Not to mention, in our office we have our very own Salt Room.  Breathing in the salt particle-infused air immediately begins to clear mucus, soothe irritated sinus passages and lungs, and kill bacteria in the respiratory tract.  With homeopathy in hand to bring home, patients can breathe easier—faster—with none of the side-effects of antihistamines like dry mouth, drowsiness and restlessness (in some children).

Homeopathy for cold symptoms:

Over-the-counter cold medications are a one-trick pony to be used for a spectrum of symptoms.  Not all cold sufferers have the same cold, yet OTC drugs are supposed to be used for all of them.  Homeopathy is geared to the specific characteristics of a sickness.  For example, a homeopathic evaluation asks a lot of questions in order to give a person the correct remedy.  For example, does the patient have a dry, parched cough or a wet, gurgle-y cough?  Does warmth make the cough better or does cold make it better?  Depending on the answers, a very different remedy will be given.

Vomiting and diarrhea:

As with cold symptoms, homeopathic remedies for vomiting and diarrhea are very individualized.  They work by supporting the immune system, not suppressing symptoms.  The body sheds the offending virus through elimination and vomiting, so merely suppressing symptoms will only ensure that the patient will be sick for a longer time.  And our aim is to get them back to school.  Once again, a homeopath will ask questions to select a specific remedy for each case.

Growing pains: 

Not just the name of a popular 80’s sitcom, growing pains are a real phenomenon!  They usually start around the end of kindergarten or beginning of first grade.  Kids with growing pains experience sharp leg pains that prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep.  A growth spurt is what causes growing pains, but parents usually think, at first, that the child has hurt himself and may end up going to many doctors with no diagnosis!  Luckily, there are specific homeopathics for this condition.  The child may or may not experience growing pains at another time, so parents usually keep the remedy on hand at home, just in case.

Homeopathy for Teething: 

Most parents don’t know that homeopathic medicine can be given to babies.  In fact, they’re much safer than using other remedies, even natural ones!  For example, clove essential oil is a sort of “folk remedy” for teething, but it is so strong that it needs to be well diluted.  Plus, it tastes bad.  Some over-the-counter teething treatments contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic.  Some studies have indicated the danger of developing seizures if used on babies—not something you want to risk.  Homeopathic teething remedies are completely safe and come in liquid drops, which is easy to administer to an infant.

Bruising, sprains, strains, fractures:

When a child hurts herself, the natural inclination of a parent is to run to the ER and get an x-ray.  But many tumbles can be treated right away at home.  First, always call your pediatrician’s office to describe your child’s symptoms.  In our office, we can then tell parents if homeopathy is an appropriate option.  In general, if the child exhibits good movement in her toes and fingers and has no noticeable deformities, an x-ray won’t be necessary.  Homeopathic remedies quickly reduce tissue inflammation associated with the trauma.

Insect bites, rashes, hives:

Sometimes, bug bites cause cellulitis, or skin infection, which would require antibiotics.  Homeopathics can stave off skin infection when administered after bug bites.  Rashes can be caused by heat and humidity, sun exposure and scratchy clothes.  Homeopathy can often easily dispatch such rashes.

Canker sores:

Canker sores are painful mouth ulcers that can cause dehydration because it’s so painful for a child to eat or drink.  Homeopathic remedies provide rapid healing of canker sores, working in 48 hours as opposed to the normal duration of 5 to 7 days.  Some people are susceptible to canker sores, which is why having your child’s remedy on hand at home is a good idea.

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