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kids engrossed in social media

Our Brains on Social Media

By Brain Health, Parenting

The amazing technology of social media can be a lifeline to friends and family who live across town—or on the other side of the planet!  It’s a great way to keep in touch and share our lives with people we love.  Everyone is just a scroll away—and so are their…

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genes and ADHD

What Role Do Genes Play in ADHD?

By ADD/ADHD, Brain Health, Mental Health

Genes and genetic testing—and what our DNA can reveal about our health—have become topics of much research and great interest.  Patients who wish to gain a more thorough understanding of their body’s intricate processes can—with assistance from knowledgeable health professionals—cross-reference lab results with genetic testing to get a better picture…

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Parents need help understanding psychoeducational evaluations

Psychoeducational Evaluation: 3 Tips for Parents

By ADD/ADHD, Learning

When a child struggles in school, teachers and pediatricians may recommend a psychoeducational evaluation.  This testing process measures a child’s academic achievement levels, cognitive skills and information processing abilities.  It can also uncover behavioral and emotional issues and learning disabilities.  The testing aims to find the source of the child’s…

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ADHD Anxiety and Natural Treatment

EVENT: ADHD, Anxiety and Natural Treatment

By ADD/ADHD, Brain Health, Event Recording, Events, Integrative Medicine, Oriental Medicine

ADHD, anxiety, and other neurologic disorders are on the rise in our kids today.  The causes are multi-factorial, but there are also many effective, natural treatment options available to your child from Functional-Integrative and Oriental medicine. Join Dr. Cannizzaro and Dwight Franklin, AP to learn about the underlying causes of…

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