Known for his genuine compassion, Dr. Cannizzaro dedicated himself to providing children and their families with healthier, happier and longer lives. This was his mission and why he assembled the team of integrative pediatric providers at Cannizzaro Integrative Pediatric Center.
As a classically-trained primary care physician who practiced functional medicine, Dr. Cannizzaro believed that integrative medicine can bring conventional and complementary healing modalities together, creating a highly personalized and high-touch healing environment.
Dr. Cannizzaro merged the technical side of medicine (evidence and science) with the human side of health care (mind and spirit). He believed that doctors and patient-families should form strong healing teams that focus on illness prevention and resolution. He also believed that the greatest gift you can give children and families is to teach them self-healing in order to achieve optimal physical and mental health and well being.
“I envision empowering individuals and communities to reconnect with nature and its role in healing; to recover the wisdom of our ancestors; to practice the art of living and care for and serve one another in the course of life’s journey.”